quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2014

Deciding to live abroad.

The decision to live in another country is not so easy. So leaving people that you love for one year and 6 months and go to study abroad is a good idea? What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad? Now I'm living in the United States and sometimes this question comes to my mind.
Some events that happens in my life showed me that our life is too short and we need to enjoy every single moment that we have with people who we love. So on the other side we need to chase our dreams and get out of our comfort zone.
I used to live with friends on last four years because of the undergraduate classes, but I think that live in another country is very different than this. In other country you find yourself in a situation witch you need to make your own important decisions, besides meeting different people with different cultures who can share their experiences.
Despite the homesickness, I think that living abroad is good and it can help people to developed themselves. I believe that my experience in US will be wonderful and it will bring me a lot of knowledge. So I hope that I made the right choice.

domingo, 14 de setembro de 2014

Dance Without Stopping

If I needed to say something about dance, I would say : "Dance well, dance badly, dance without stopping". It is what Lulu Santos, a Brazilian singer, tells us in one of his songs. In my opinion, people could have less problems if they had known the power of dance, because there are many benefits that dance can brings to people like therapeutic, cultural, social, educational, scientific benefits. Furthermore, according to scientific researches, dance is a physical exercise, so it makes the brain releases serotonin, a substance that brings a sense of relief, improving mood and sleep. People can dance any rhythm the way they want, because do no exist the right way to dance. So whole body can dance on your way, taste and purpose. Dance makes possible to know and understand the diversity of cultural expressions, different people or culture doing a study of how that rhythm and dance emerged, because different countries have different music styles like Brazil has samba and US has hip hop and these styles can be listened and danced by different cultures. Socially dance approach people as entertainment at parties, for exemple, like the pleasure of dancing, alone or in groups, combining rhythm and harmonizing steps. Dance is cognition. So if it has many benefits and everybody can do it why do not dance? I can assure that you can fell better when you start to dance. Wherever you go you will find different songs and people who will communicate with you by dancing. So dance and be happy. 

domingo, 7 de setembro de 2014

The Ebola Outbreak

The epidemic of Ebola needs to be controlled and the developed countries can help on it. The number of Ebola cases is large and it became an epidemic which requires an overwhelming response, according to the Dr. Tom Frieden. He things that Ebola is a global problem. So if Ebola is a global problem, all of us need to be aware about it. People who are already contaminated in West Africa need to be isolated and the developed countries need to help this people providing their resources like medicine and food. Contaminated countries of this continent need to be on quarantine avoiding the contagion to other people or other countries. So we have a big problem and we need to work on it together.